Птичье крыло: История гольфисток
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story

Бёрди винг: История гольфисток, Birdie Wing: история гольфисток
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- Сезон года: Весна 2022, выходит с 6 апреля 2022
- Год: 2022
- Жанр: спорт
- Статус: Завершенные
- Тип: ТВ-сериал
- Озвучка: AniDUB, Shikoku Studio, AniStar, AniMaunt, Crunchyroll.Subtitles
- Студия: Bandai Namco Pictures
13 из 13
Сюжет аниме Птичье крыло: История гольфисток:
Infamous among those who gamble on golf games, Eve uses her exceptional skill in the sport to earn a living—by betting and winning against various opponents. Known as the "Rainbow Bullet," she vows to beat her foes and conquer the world of underground golf using only three clubs. However, the universe where Eve knows no defeat is shaken after she plays a clean game with Aoi Amawashi, a golfing prodigy that came to the country of Nafrece to enter a golf tournament. Armed with talent and born into the perfect environment for golf, Aoi the "Innocent Tyrant" calmly crushes her enemies with a bright smile on her face.After their game-changing match, Eve and Aoi become intrigued with each other and promise to battle again someday. As Eve's aggressive and risk-taking approach challenges the elite and steady playstyle of Aoi, the two geniuses may just manage to bring golf to unexpected heights.
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В переводе:
- AniDUB
- Crunchyroll.Subtitles
- Shikoku Studio
- Серия 1
- Серия 2
- Серия 3
- Серия 4
- Серия 5
- Серия 6
- Серия 7
- Серия 8
- Серия 9
- Серия 10
- Серия 11
- Серия 12
- Серия 13